Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ramblings of a teenager

That exams are coming to and end.
And I am so glad
that things are the way they are now.
So really
For being the past.
And thankyou
for not being in the future.
I love the fact that I dont care.

SO I am once again bored having spent the majority of my time today procrastinating :D

More adds to the list from last night.
13) After a long time, what you think is 'like' is no longer 'like', it's a habit, and a comfort.
14) The things that are said may not be as important as the things that aren't said.
15) Sometimes you think you've moved on from the past, but when you have to choose between the past and the future, you won't necessarily let go that easily.
16) Not saying something doesn't mean it isn't true, it only means it's harder to admit.
17) People often have to decide between ones self interest, and the interest of others. Choosing the interests of others above your own doesn''t always mean they are better off. Choosing to be selfish doesn't always mean you have done the wrong thing.
18) When you're running, everything beside you is a blur, except for your destination. If you have no destination, and you dont slow down to notice where you are, then you become blind.
19) More often than not, people wait for the things they want rather than reach for it themselves. It's not laziness. Its called being scared.
20) There is always a story behind the story.

And I have absolutely no idea why I am writing these random 肉麻 and corny stuff. But HEYY you gotta admit some of them are pretty true huh.

But for now I would like to SLEEP.
I wonder if I actually do dream a lot, but then just forget?
I wish I could know.
From now on I should write my dreams (or what I can remember about them) in a little book.

Goodnight dears