Saturday, August 14, 2010


despite everything
i still want to believe
so i will
just not now.

Have you ever woken up one day and suddenly realised that you did something wrong?
Something you didnt realise you did wrong until just now?
Maybe its something you did for the first time.
Maybe you've already made the same mistake time and time again.
Or maybe you were so absorbed in your own life, and selfishly ignored the concerns of others.
I have.
So I know that it comes back to you. Haunts you. Makes you feel uneasy everytime you think about it.
But what can you do?

Everyone has their problems. The problems that are just a part of everyday life. The problems that they only tell to a selected few close friends. And the problems that they keep to themselves. So I wonder what everyone has to hide. What kind of problems they are keeping to themselves.

I have been selfish.
Only thinking of myself, only focusing on how to make me feel better.
I have been ignorant.
I pity myself for being in this state.
I guess I can only say sorry. Even if sorry does jack all.
Maybe I can apologise by saying that I am feeling much worse.
Maybe if you knew you wouldnt blame me as much.

Oh and by the way, this isnt an emo post.
Im just trying to express the feelings that Im sure you have all had at some point in time.
