Monday, September 1, 2008

ode to geeks

i was eating a slice of leftover pizza
when inspiration came to me
and with that ... i present to you my latest creation:


Geeks, o geeks,
why doth thou search and seek,
for for that answer sheet,
just so you can peek?

But geeks, poor geeks,
why cant you see,
that this is as pointless
as pointless can be?

Geeks, dear geeks,
i must sympathize with thee.
For it was not thine choice
that led you to be

Geeks, alas, geeks,
i now feel so blue,
for why must i
be one of you?

(this poem is copyright by sunnysun co.
for publishing rights please contact the author via the chatterbox function located on the right hand side of this page.)
