Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Today (or rather the day that just past a few minutes ago) 
marks the 100th day you have left.
So technically...right now is the start of 101 days without you.
And it still doesnt feel real.
I kind of dont want it to...

I wonder if you are disappointed in me?
Because I'm disappointed in myself.
All the things you did, 
and wanted me to learn, 
was so I could become a stronger person.
And yet...I have become weak

100 days later, I still cry at night sometimes.
I still blame you.
I still feel guilty.

But what if you leaving was also meant
to push me one step closer to being 
stronger, more independent, 
the person you want me to be?

I never got the chance to say a proper goodbye
but if I did...then I would most certainly tell you
I love you.


Just to clarify things
not everything in my blog is like about romance and shizz
for example this blog isnt 
Please dont try and relate everything to my lovelife